

OED uses the monsters presented in Vol II with the adjustments below.

Monster Information

Hit Dice: All monsters use a d6 for their base Hit Dice, which is used to calculate combat abilities.

Equivalent Hit Dice: Monsters in OED have an Equivalent Hit Dice value that takes into account their special abilities and relative power. This is used to determine monster encounters and XP rewards.

Attacks: Monster attacks are resolved by d20 + Hit Die + Target AC ≥ 20. Monsters get a single attack per round unless otherwise noted.

Monster Damage: Monster damage is rolled on a 1d6, unless otherwise noted.

Monster Strength: If necessary, you can assume a Monster’s Strength modifier is equal to ½ its Hit Die, and their carry capacity in Stone is (HD*2)+10 (Multiply by 2 or 3 for quardrapeds, etc).

Gaze Attacks: Creatures facing beings with Gaze Attacks must make a Save each round unless precautions are taken.

Grab/Grappling: Roll a melee attack, if succesful, then opposed Grapple (Strength) checks (d6 + 1/2 HD vs d6 + Target Strength Bonus). Failure means the target can act normally, success means the target is immobilized, or pushed up to ten feet. The target must win a Strength check on their turn to break free.

Languages: It is assumed than an intelligent creature has a base 1 in 6 chance to speak common.

Magic to Hit: For every 4 natural Hit Die a creature possesses, it is capable of harming creatures that normally require +1 magic weapon to hit.

Mental Attacks: Undead, golems, slimes, plants, and other non-intelligent creatures are generally immune to such effects, unless specifically targeting that type.

Chimera/Gorgons: Each round roll a 2d6, a result of 7+ means the creature will use its breath weapon. It can use its breath weapon a total of 3 times per day.

Dragons: Divide the Dragon’s HP by 3 to determine its Hit Dice. Use this Hit Dice value to determine Attacks and Saves. Each round roll a 2d6, a result of 7+ means the creature will use its breath weapon. It can use its breath weapon a total of 3 times per day. A Dragon’s breath weapon does 1 die of damage for every 6 hit points it currently possesses. Dragons can force a morale check on NPCs within 75 feet. They have a 2 in 6 chance to detect creatures within 75 feet. Dragon subdual rules are not used.

Goblin-kin: Goblins, Orcs, and Kobolds suffer a -4 to attack, and -1 to Morale in full daylight.

Giants: Giants can throw a stone every other round at ranges of 100’ to 140’. Giant melee attacks are 1d10 +Str bonus. Giant garb is equivalent to Leather armor on top of naturally tough skin (+3 AC).

Horses and Mounts: Only warhorses are usable near combat, fire, smells, etc. (others auto-fail morale). The normal load value indicates the maximum load carried at full-speed; up to double this amount can be carried at half-speed. The normal load values are set at 1/3 of the equine’s body weight.

Slimes: Successful attacks by these creatures will cause metal to corrode instantly. Metal weapons used against them will corrode on a successful attack. Wood is consumed at too slow a rate to affect combat.

Undead: Undead are (mostly) immune to backstabs, critical hits, death effects, and mental attacks.

Skeletons: Skeletons are 1 Hit Die monsters.

Vampires: Vampires can summon 1d10 Rats (AC 7, Mv 75’, HD 1/6 (1HP), Att +0, Dmg 1) or 3d6 Wolves (AC 7, Mv 90’, HD 2+2, Att +1, Dmg 1d6).

Zombies: Zombies are 2 Hit Die monsters.

Monster Placement

Within the dungeon, there is a 2 in 6 chance a monster is present in any unallocated space (See Monster Determination below).

Wandering Monsters

Checks: Make a 1 in 6 check for wandering monsters using the below guidelines:

If a wandering monster result is indicated, use the Monster Determination information below. Multiple parties of monsters may attack one another. On a near miss (result of 5), give a hint that monsters are present (ex: distant monster noise).

Monster Determination

To determine the type of monster encountered, roll a d6 and consult the result against the level of the dungeon (depth) in question. This will give you the “Threat Rank” (I - VI) of the monster, which you can then look up the appropriate (Equivalent) Hit Die range.

Dungeon Depth d6 Result             Threat Rank Monster (Equivalent)
Hit Dice
1 1-4 5 6         I 1 HD
2 1-2 3-4 5 6       II 2 HD
3-4 1 2 3-4 5 6     III 3-4 HD
5-7   1 2 3-4 5 6   IV 5-7 HD
8-10     1 2 3-4 5-6   V 8-10 HD
11       1 2 3-6   VI 11+ HD
Threat Rank I II III IV V VI      

Number Appearing

When stocking a dungeon, the numbers of monsters appearing is dependent on the relation between the Equivalent Hit Die of the creature and dungeon level/depth (presuming a traditional party of 4)

EHD vs Dungeon Level No of monsters appearing
Dungeon level is greater by 3 or more (1d4+1) or ~2 3/4 party size
Dungeon level is greater by 1 or 2 (1d4+1) or ~ 1 3/4 party size
Dungeon level and EHD are equal 1d4+1 or equal to party size
EHD is greater by 1 or 2 (1d4+1) or 1/2 party size
EHD is greater by 3 or more (1d4+1) or 1/4 party size

For a wandering monster encounter, cut the above number in half.

For a more detailed breakdown of this formula and approach, see: Underworld Overhaul, Pt. 4: Monster Numbers Appearing

Monster Equivalent Hit Dice

This is a measure of monster threat that can be slotted into monster determination formula (in place of the Hit Die) for a more accurate distribution of challenges.

Monster EHD Monster EHD Monster EHD
Rat 0 Swordsman 3 Giant Rhinoceros Beetle 10
Aquatic Elf 1 Wereboar 3 Minotaur Lizard 10
Bandit 1 Werewolf 3 Morkoth 10
Berserker 1 Wight 3 Small Air Elemental 10
Brigand 1 Centaur 4 Triton 10*
Buccaneer 1 Floating Eye 4 Fire Giant 11
Dervish 1 Gelatinous Cube 4 Giant Fish 11
Dwarf 1 Giant Crab 4 Giant Shark 11
Elf 1 Giant Sea Spider 4 Giant Squid 11
Giant Centipede 1 Giant Warrior Ant 4 Gorgon 11
Giant Fire Beetle 1 Giant Wasp 4 Guardian Naga 11
Giant Rat 1 Gray Ooze 4 Magician 11
Giant Sea Horse 1 Harpy 4 Medusa 11
Gnome 1 Hell Hound 4 White Dragon 11
Goblin 1 Hero 4 Black Dragon 12
Hobgoblin 1 Ochre Jelly 4* Cloud Giant 12
Homunculus 1 Ogre 4 Ettin 12
Jackal 1 Seer 4 Trapper 12
Kobold 1 Wraith 4 Umber Hulk 12
Leprechaun 1 Dryad 5 Black Pudding 13*
Light Horse 1 Gargoyle 5 Fire Lizard 13
Merman 1 Giant Boring Beetle 5 Catoblepas 14
Nixie 1 Giant Crocodile 5 Efreeti 14
Nomad 1 Giant Octopus 5 Enchanter 14
Orc 1 Giant Poisonous Snake 5 Green Dragon 14
Piercer 1 Lion 5 Medium Roc 14
Pirate 1 Portugese Man-Of-War 5 Blue Dragon 15
Pixie 1 Rust Monster 5* Flesh Golem 15
Skeleton 1 Small Roc 5 Small Fire Elemental 15
Stirge 1 Swashbuckler 5 Small Water Elemental 15
Veteran 1 Weretiger 5 Water Naga 15
Wolf 1 White Ape 5 Mastodon 16
Caveman 2 Bear 6 Mind Flayer 16
Crocodile 2 Cockatrice 6 Storm Giant 17
Dire Wolf 2 Conjurer 6 Ten-Headed Hydra 17
Dolphin 2 Displacer Beast 6 Warlock 17
Draft Horse 2 Ghast 6 Balrog 18
Giant Bombardier Beetle 2 Giant Constrictor Snake 6 Medium Air Elemental 18
Giant Eel 2 Giant Spider 6 Ogre Mage 18
Giant Frog 2 Giant Stag Beetle 6 Roper 18
Giant Hog 2 Minotaur 6 Shambling Mound 18
Giant Lamprey 2 Mummy 6 Small Earth Elemental 18
Giant Leech 2 Myrmidon 6 Small Sea Monster 18
Giant Lizard 2 Owl Bear 6 Tyranosaurus Rex 18
Giant Tick 2 Pungi Ray 6 Basilisk 20
Giant Worker Ant 2 Unicorn 6 Giant Manta Ray 20
Gnoll 2 Champion 7 Medium Fire Elemental 20
Ixitxachitl 2 Djinni 7 Medium Water Elemental 20
Large Spider 2 Lammasu 7* Red Dragon 20
Lizard Man 2 Sabre-Tooth Tiger 7 Sorcerer 20
Locathah 2 Theurgist 7 Will-O-Wisp 20
Medium 2 Werebear 7 Large Air Elemental 22
Medium Horse 2 Wind Walker 7 Purple Worm 22
Mule 2 Yeti 7 Spirit Naga 22
Pegasus 2 Giant Slug 8 Large Roc 24
Ram 2 Griffon 8 Necromancer 24
Sahuagin 2 Hill Giant 8 Dragon Turtle 25
Troglodyte 2 Invisible Stalker 8 Treant 25
Warrior 2 Phase Spider 8 Vampire 25*
Weed Eel 2 Six-Headed Hydra 8 Medium Earth Elemental 26
Wererat 2 Slithering Tracker 8 Wizard 26
Yellow Mold 2* Spectre 8 Masher 28
Zombie 2 Superhero 8 Large Fire Elemental 33
Blink Dog 3 Thaumaturgist 8 Large Water Elemental 33
Boar 3 Troll 8 Medium Sea Monster 33
Bugbear 3 Carrion Crawler 9 Gold Dragon 35*
Bull 3 Giant Scorpion 9 Large Earth Elemental 36
Doppleganger 3 Giant Sea Snake 9 Lich 40*
Ghoul 3 Lord 9 Whale 40
Giant Toad 3 Lurker Above 9 Large Sea Monster 45
Giant Weasel 3 Manticore 9 Titan 50*
Green Slime 3* Salamander 9 Rakshasa 55
Heavy Horse 3 Stone Giant 9 Stone Golem 55*
Hippogriff 3 Wyvern 9 Beholder 60*
Huge Spider 3 Animated Tree 10 Iron Golem 140*
Shadow 3 Chimera 10    
Shrieker 3 Frost Giant 10    

* Indicates The EHD for this creature is highly situational.

For a more detailed list of appropriate monsters and Equivalent Hit Dice, consult the OED Monster Determination sheet.